Jessie Ann Design

Introducing Jessie Ann, a premier interior designer specializing in both high-end residential and commercial spaces. Her designs skillfully blend textures, patterns and artfully incorporate statement pieces. Get a glimpse into one of Jessie Ann's latest bedroom masterpieces, where she used our Warren Bed to create a serene space for her busy client.

Get to know Jessie Ann in this EFL Designer Q&A!


Photography by : Hugo Landa Garcia

Q: What inspired your journey into interior design, and how has your style evolved over the years?

Jessie Ann: I have always loved interior design since I was little I couldn’t help but rearrange a space in my head until one day I did and haven’t stopped. My style has evolved into natural materials, clean lines, and neutral color palettes.

Q: Who do you offer your design services to?

Jessie Ann: Jessie Ann Design is a full-service interior design studio specializing in high-end residential and commercial projects across the United States.

Q: What is your design aesthetic? What unique elements define your style, and how do you incorporate them into your projects?

Jessie Ann: My style is inspired by the ever-evolving juxtaposition of nature with textures, patterns, and mixing in statement pieces.


Q: Who is this space for and how did their needs and preferences influence your design choices?

Jessie Ann: This space was for a couple that has a little dog. I wanted the bed to be performance fabric so it would be easy for them to keep clean while not having to sacrifice the overall design and feel of the room. I wanted this room to be more serene and relaxing for the couple as they both have extremely busy work schedules.

Q: Is there a specific element in this space that stands out as your favorite?

Jessie Ann: I love the texture of the bed and how sophisticated yet casual it can make any space feel.

Q: What fuels your creativity? Are there specific places, experiences, or artists that consistently inspire your work?

Jessie Ann: I was born at the beach and then always on a ranch growing up, so my inspiration draws from both areas as well as my love for travel.

Q: If you could collaborate with any other designer, living or historical, who would it be and why?

Jessie Ann: Jake Arnold because I love how bold he can be and how his designs are a combination of traditional and modern.

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